A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
I was pleasantly surprised when I found out that one of my photos inspired someone to write a story/poem about it. I am always flattered when people tell me that they were touched by my work, or that it inspired them in some way. So thank-you Paul, you made my day.
Disclaimer: the author does not personally know Nicole or Jayesh featured in the photo, and the story is purely fictional and does not represent either of them.

“So this is for real, is it?â€
â€Yes. You weren’t certain at first, were you?â€
â€Honestly? I was. I didn’t think I was. But I was.â€
â€You sure made me work for it.â€
“I’m worth it.â€
“Yes, you are.â€
“So what do we do now?â€
â€Nothing really changes. And everything changes.â€
“You’ll be there for me?â€
â€Always is a long time.â€
â€I certainly hope so.â€
“You’re not the least bit scared? Not the least bit uncertain?â€
“Really. This is exactly how it’s supposed to be. I know it.â€
“What about…â€
“But if…â€
“Maybe someday something…â€
â€For. Ever.â€
“I know. I don’t know what to say that hasn’t been said.â€
“We can do this?â€
“Absolutely. You and me – we can do anything. You don’t feel it?â€
“I do.â€
“I like the sound of that.â€
“Me too.‗ Paul Burch
Saskatoon Photography-Nicole & Jayesh Engagement
Jayesh surprised Nicole with a trip to Paris this past April. What makes this story even more awesome is that she didn’t know where they were heading until they were at the airport in Toronto. And to top it all off Jayesh asked her to be his wife on top of the Eiffel Tower.
When I had the chance to photograph this gorgeous couple for their engagement photos I jumped at the opportunity. Working with these two was a blast, and as you can see they look pretty comfortable in front of the camera. We visited various locations around downtown Saskatoon, and even got to incorporate Jayesh’s old school Austin Mini into a couple of shots. Getting a ride in it was pretty cool too.
Here are some of my favourite photographs from that evening. Be sure to watch the high definition slideshow at the end to get a look at even more of the night. Enjoy.
Note: for the best quality make sure HD is set to on along the right side of the video player. Scaling should be set to off.

Saskatoon Photography-Kelly & Byron Engagement
Kelly and Byron met four years ago while both working for the Saskatoon Health Region. Three years later Byron started thinking about asking Kelly to be his wife and tried to come up with an awesome way to propose. Since they go on a trip to see a sporting event in Edmonton each year, Byron thought he had the ultimate plan – have the words, “Will you marry me, Kelly?” up on the big screen. Unfortunately the engagement ring wasn’t ready in time, and maybe for the better since Kelly wasn’t too sure how she would have liked all of that attention in the stadium.
Instead Byron planned an intimate and romantic proposal in their home this past March, and Kelly accepted. I had the pleasure to meet this incredible couple shortly after their engagement to talk about their upcoming wedding. The two of them loved the idea of getting in front of the camera for an engagement shoot, so we scheduled something for the summer.
Here are some of my favourite photographs from that evening in Saskatoon. Before we started I asked the two of them if they had anything specific in mind for the shoot. Kelly’s only request was, “that I make her look good.” As you can see, she made my job pretty easy. I can’t wait to shoot their wedding this fall.
Be sure to watch the high definition slideshow at the end to get a look at even more of the night (make sure to click the HD button on the right side in the video player. For the best quality, scaling should be set to off). Enjoy.

Saskatoon Photography-Kelly & Byron Teaser
We weren’t sure if we were going to get rained out Saturday night in Saskatoon so Kelly, Byron and I crossed our fingers for the entire day. Luckily we did because we ended up getting an awesome evening for their engagement photo shoot. Here’s a teaser to give you an idea of how great the two of them looked. Stay tuned for their full engagement set coming soon. Enjoy.

Saskatoon Photography-Nicole & Jayesh Teaser
We had to reschedule Nicole and Jayesh’s engagement shoot twice due to rainy weather. Tonight however worked out perfectly. Here’s a photo from this evening’s activities to give you a little taste.

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