Stormy & Patrick are Engaged
I met Stormy and Patrick in the fall of 2010 when we got together to chat about photography for their wedding. Right away I could tell that these two were going to be a lot of fun. They had a completely laid back attitude, and I knew that it was going to be a pleasure to make photographs of them.
We spent an evening at the University of Saskatchewan where we just casually walked around the grounds finding interesting locations to take some shots. My suspicions were correct in that both Stormy and Patrick were out to have a good time. I’m not sure there was much time where the two of them were not laughing their heads off. It sure made from some great shots of them just hanging out together.
Their wedding is this August at the Willows Golf & Country Club in Saskatoon, and I’m pretty confident that we’re going to have a great time together once again. Here are some of my favourite photographs from the evening, and be sure to also check out their high definition slideshow.
Note: for the best quality make sure HD is set to on along the right side of the video player. Scaling should be set to off.
The 2011 Yorkton Film Festival
At the end of May some of Canada’s brightest filmmakers converged in Saskatchewan for the 64th annual Yorkton Film Festival. I had only heard about the festival about a year ago, and was very surprised that it is the oldest film festival in North America. Recently I had worked on a project with Katrina Ham of Lifetime Productions, who also sits on the festival’s board of directors. She had an idea to promote the festival via a Twitter roadtrip which I blogged about here. She brought me onboard to document the roadtrip from Saskatoon to Yorkton, as well as the the festival itself.
The festival kicked off Thursday evening and wrapped up Sunday afternoon. Between the panels of industry experts, screenings, and social events, the schedule was jam packed giving me ample opportunity to capture the feel of the festival. I didn’t get a chance to view as many films as I’d hoped, but luckily the ones I did see ended up winning many of the major awards. The panels were extremely informative and entertaining at the same time. I particularly enjoyed the tell it like it is attitude of director/screenwriter Dave Shultz. I think he really captured the room’s attention.
Even though the programs for the day wrapped up late in the afternoon, it did not mean that the fun stopped there. Each night there was some sort of social event scheduled that allowed festival delegates to just hang out to mingle and network. I think the highlight for me (and probaby many others) was LobsterFest. This event was held out at the Yorkton Lions Club which shares land with the Yorkton Gun Club. So after filling up on fresh lobster I had a chance to try my hand at skeet shooting. I hit four out of ten targets. I thought that was a pretty good score considering it was the first time I’d ever really shot a gun.
Lindsey & Christian Engagement (featuring Vance)
Lindsey and Christian are getting married this August and I have the honour of making photographs of their wedding day. Even though I had first met them this past winter we wanted to hold off shooting their engagement photographs until the weather was a little bit more bearable. It took a while for Saskatoon to commit to some Spring weather, but we eventually got there.
I met Lindsey and Christian near the South Saskatchewan river where we would spend most of our evening capturing their engagement photos. Lindsey really wanted to incorporate her son Vance into some of the shots so I had the pleasure of meeting this young chap. It wasn’t too long into the shoot before we realized the mosquitoes had mobilized and were launching an assault upon all of us. Lindsey, Christian, and Vance were all troopers and they powered through the ordeal.
After we had taken all that we could of the mosquitoes we headed to a downtown location to get a few more shots. Since we were now out of the tall grass and into the concrete jungle the mosquito situation was no longer a problem, and we could enjoy the last bit of the shoot.
Here are some of my favourite photographs from the evening, and be sure to also check out their high definition slideshow.
Note: for the best quality make sure HD is set to on along the right side of the video player. Scaling should be set to off.
Stormy & Patrick Engagement Teaser
Last Wednesday I had the pleasure of spending an evening with Stormy and Patrick. They are getting married this summer so we got together to make some engagement photographs in Saskatoon. It was very nice to have both the weather and the mosquitoes cooperate with us. The photos from their session should be up soon, but here’s a teaser to show you how great they looked.
Lindsey & Christian Engagement Teaser (with special guest Vance)
Last Wednesday I met Lindsey and Christian to shoot their engagement photos in Saskatoon. We also used this as an opportunity to grab a few shots of Lindsey’s 7 year old son Vance. The evening was windy and filled with mosquitoes, but that didn’t stop the four of us from creating some great photographs. Here’s a couple of teaser photos to give everyone an idea of just how dashing the three of them were. Stay tuned for my full blog post.
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