The Lara Family
It was Connie’s birthday, and her daughter-in-law Alison told me that she hadn’t had her photo taken in over twenty five years. The whole family decided that family photos would be the perfect gift. I met the Laras at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon a few weeks ago. This seemed like a good location for the shoot since Connie and Cesar’s two sons and their wives had attended the UofS at one time or another.
We wandered throughout the campus and stopped to make some photographs as we found interesting locations. And I can safely say that this is the first time a shoot has ever erupted into a Kung Fu match. I had a great time with Connie and Cesar, Patrick and Ashlee, and Gerald and Alison on that Sunday afternoon. It’s always a pleasure to photograph a great family in an informal setting.
Here are some of my favourite shots from the afternoon.
Lindsey & Christian Engagement (featuring Vance)
Lindsey and Christian are getting married this August and I have the honour of making photographs of their wedding day. Even though I had first met them this past winter we wanted to hold off shooting their engagement photographs until the weather was a little bit more bearable. It took a while for Saskatoon to commit to some Spring weather, but we eventually got there.
I met Lindsey and Christian near the South Saskatchewan river where we would spend most of our evening capturing their engagement photos. Lindsey really wanted to incorporate her son Vance into some of the shots so I had the pleasure of meeting this young chap. It wasn’t too long into the shoot before we realized the mosquitoes had mobilized and were launching an assault upon all of us. Lindsey, Christian, and Vance were all troopers and they powered through the ordeal.
After we had taken all that we could of the mosquitoes we headed to a downtown location to get a few more shots. Since we were now out of the tall grass and into the concrete jungle the mosquito situation was no longer a problem, and we could enjoy the last bit of the shoot.
Here are some of my favourite photographs from the evening, and be sure to also check out their high definition slideshow.
Note: for the best quality make sure HD is set to on along the right side of the video player. Scaling should be set to off.
Lindsey & Christian Engagement Teaser (with special guest Vance)
Last Wednesday I met Lindsey and Christian to shoot their engagement photos in Saskatoon. We also used this as an opportunity to grab a few shots of Lindsey’s 7 year old son Vance. The evening was windy and filled with mosquitoes, but that didn’t stop the four of us from creating some great photographs. Here’s a couple of teaser photos to give everyone an idea of just how dashing the three of them were. Stay tuned for my full blog post.
The Cey Family
Melanie and Ryan welcomed their son Alistair into the world seven months ago. And with his personality really starting to come out they thought it was a great time to get some photographs of him. I love doing these types of shoots in the family’s home so I can create images of them in a natural setting where everyone can just be themselves.
It has become a normal thing for me to take my wife along as an assistant when the shoot involves a youngster. She proves to be invaluable in getting the kid’s attention, and has no qualms about dancing or making funny faces. We headed to their downtown Saskatoon loft on a Saturday morning which proved to be an awesome space for the shoot. A big window provided all the natural light we needed.
Alistair was a pleasure to photograph, and I just loved this crazy breakdancing wave thing he did with his arms when he started getting tired. We were able to get a good hour of shooting in before Alistair was fed up with a camera in his face. But that was long enough to get some great shots.
We ended the morning with an delicious brunch that Melanie and Ryan were kind enough to make for all of us. That was pretty awesome of them. Here are some of my favourite photographs from the morning, and be sure to also check out the high definition slideshow to see even more images of this great family.
Note: for the best quality make sure HD is set to on along the right side of the video player. Scaling should be set to off.
The Cey Family from Hemant J. Naidu on Vimeo.
The Cey Family Teaser
Alistair just turned seven months old, and his parents thought it would be a great time to capture some photographs of the three of them just hanging out at home. Here’s a teaser image that I captured that Saturday morning. Make sure to check back soon to see more shots of this great family.

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