Guest Post on

Posted in Uncategorized by Hemant Naidu on April 22, 2010
Hartford, Connecticut wedding photographer Seshu runs the Tiffinbox blog that showcases photographers, writers, designers, and other artists around the world. After meeting Seshu on Twitter we arranged for me to write a guest post for the Tiffinbox blog, which is now live on the site. The post is titled Confessions of an Emerging Professional Photographer where I discuss my entrance into the photography business.
Naidu Photography guest post on - Confessions of an Emerging Professional Photographer
Since Naidu Photography is a new business this was a great opportunity to gain some exposure, while also giving me a chance to make some social connections with others in the industry. I would like to thank Seshu for giving me this opportunity to write for his site, and look forward to making contributions in the future. Please take a moment to head over to the Tiffinbox and enjoy what it has to offer.