A ’68 Skylark and a Twitter Roadtrip
When one thinks of Yorkton, Saskatchewan, a film festival probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. What most people don’t know is that this city actually hosts the oldest film festival in North America. The Yorkton Film Festival celebrates short films and screenwriting from around the world. This year I had the pleasure of attending the festival. I could have jumped in my vehicle and drove to Yorkton on my own, but that would have boring. Why not instead jump into an classic 1968 Skylark with one of Canada’s premiere screenwriters/directors, an emerging producer, and an expert in transmedia?
Thursday morning Dave Shultz and I met Katrina Ham and Emme Rogers at the Chop Chop Salon near downtown Saskatoon. The two ladies were getting themselves all decked out for our roadtrip to Yorkton where they would be receiving the Key to the City from the Mayor upon our arrival. Earlier in the morning Katrina was a guest on the CBC’s The Morning Edition with Sheila Coles to talk about the festival, and our roadtrip. The idea was to live tweet the trip in hopes of promoting and bringing awareness to the festival.
While Dave and I waited for the women to finish up, we tried to devise a strategy for making a ton of luggage fit into the rather small trunk of his Skylark. It seems that three of us had overestimated how much space we had to work with. My assumption was that old cars had big trunks. I was very wrong. After running through a number of scenarios it seemed that the only way to make it work was to lose the spare tire….and to leave Katrina’s golf clubs behind (seriously, golf clubs).
With the car all packed we were on the highway in no time. Since we had the top down Katrina and Emme wrapped their heads in scarves to salvage their new hairdos. Good thing they did because things got pretty windy and I’m sure they didn’t want the awesome work of Chop Chop Salon to go to waste. It was the end of May in Saskatchewan so we hadn’t yet got into the hot temperatures which would have made the back seat a little more bearable. Everything was fine when the sun wasn’t hidden behind a cloud, but it could get pretty chilly when it disappeared for a few stretches.
It wasn’t long before stomachs started to growl, so we stopped in Lanigan for a delicious lunch buffet at Wong’s Restaurant. I’m not sure what it is, but small town Saskatchewan always seems to have the best Chinese food. We also did a bit of window shopping at an interesting pizza/clothing store before getting back onto the highway. With our bellies full of delicious Chinese food a few of us started to get a bit parched. We were nearly at Foam Lake so we decided to stop by the local watering hole. After a couple of beer and some very passionate conversation about the film industry and social media, we thanked the friendly staff and continued on the last leg of our trip.
We rolled into Yorkton just a few minutes before the key ceremony so we high-tailed it to the downtown park where it was going to take place. We were greeted by the Mayor and the Executive Director of the film festival who told us to make ourselves at home and to enjoy all of the festivities. This was just the beginning of my experience, but I can say that the first thing that will come to mind from now on when I think of Yorkton is the Yorkton Film Festival.
Almost There
This is a very personal post for me since the subject is my wife. Michelle and I are expecting our first child at any moment since we are now five days past our due date. Being a photographer you would think that I would have taken more photos of my wife in the last nine months, but we always found ourselves too busy to go out for a shoot. But once we hit the thirty-nine week mark nearly two weeks ago we thought we better make the time.
We didn’t go to an extravagant location, and didn’t spend a lot of time shooting, but the two of us enjoyed our time together to get some photographs of this very special time in our lives.
I hope you enjoy the short slideshow of some of my favourite photos from the shoot.
Note: for the best quality make sure HD is set to on along the right side of the video player. Scaling should be set to off.

Almost There from Hemant J. Naidu on Vimeo.
President Murray Park at Night
Last week Saskatoon got a decent amount of snow leaving treacherous driving conditions, but great photo opportunities. The temperature was quite mild on Tuesday night so I went out to take some night shots at President Murray Park near the University of Saskatchewan. I typically do not take landscape type shots, let alone at night so I was looking forward to playing around.
On my drive to the park I unfortunately got rear-ended thanks to the extremely icy streets. This could have ended up ruining my plans for the evening, but I took comfort in knowing that no one was hurt, and that I wasn’t at fault so I continued along my way to the park. I spent about an hour walking around taking various shots only making use of available light. Despite the terrible start to the evening I think I ended up finishing on a high note with some beautiful shots of Murray Park at night.