Mandy & Kevin
Mandy and Kevin have been married for five years. It was not their anniversary, or any other special occasion, but the idea of having some photos taken of themselves having a great time seemed like a good idea. The three of us managed to find an evening this past summer (where it was not raining) to spend some time in downtown Saskatoon and take some fun shots.
It may not have been raining that night, but it had most definitely rained the day before. I remember that evening being particularly more humid than Saskatoon usually gets which created a very hazy sky. And with that rain came an army of mosquitoes that swarmed us when we made our way to the river bank. Between all of the swatting of mosquitoes, and scratching of new bites, I was able to get some awesome shots of Mandy and Kevin. The two of them were absolute troopers amongst the crazy mosquitoes.
We probably could have shot a little longer, but in the end the mosquitoes won the battle. Here are some of my favourite photos from the shoot. Be sure to also check out the high definition slideshow to see even more images of this great husband and wife.
Note: for the best quality make sure HD is set to on along the right side of the video player. Scaling should be set to off.

Mandy and Kevin from Hemant J. Naidu on Vimeo.
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