Saskatoon Photo Walk
I’ve recently been reading about Photo Walks occurring in cities around North America and after a bit of Googling I couldn’t seem to find any upcoming walks taking place in the Saskatoon area. This seemed to spark the bright idea of organizing one myself. For those of you who don’t know what a Photo Walk is, it’s a pretty simple concept.
A group of photographers walk along a predetermined route in their city and use this as an opportunity to take pictures along the way. The walk usually ends at some restaurant or pub where the group discusses their Photo Walk experience over some food and spirits. It is a great way to meet other photo enthusiasts in your community, and is an opportunity for people to learn from each other.

All skill levels are welcome on a Photo Walk ranging from a pro with an $8,000 SLR to a person with a mild interest in photography that only has a disposable camera. The idea is to just go out and have fun while taking pictures in your city.
I haven’t officially started to organize the Saskatoon Photo Walk so I would like to get an idea as to how many people would be interested in taking part. I am thinking about holding it on a Saturday afternoon in May sometime around 4pm. We would walk for a couple hours and then grab a bite to eat. If you are interested or have any suggestions, please send me a message through my contact form or leave a comment on this post.