Nicole & Jayesh Hindu Engagement Ceremony

Posted in lifestyle photography, shoots, wedding photography by Hemant Naidu on October 12, 2010

At the end of August Nicole and Jayesh celebrated their engagement at the Hindu temple in Saskatoon. This traditional ceremony brought both of their families together as a first step in joining these two in marriage. And like almost any Indian tradition it was filled with bright colours and lots of food.

Once we wrapped up some family photos, the three of us took off to focus on some images of just the two of them. Here are some of my favourite photographs from that day. Be sure to watch the high definition slideshow at the end to see even more of Nicole and Jayesh.

I’ll be shooting their wedding on New Years Eve next year, and can only imagine the party that’s going to be.

Note: for the best quality make sure HD is set to on along the right side of the video player. Scaling should be set to off.

Saskatoon Wedding Photographer Naidu Photography - Nicole and Jayesh Hindu Engagement Ceremony
Saskatoon Wedding Photographer Naidu Photography - Nicole and Jayesh Hindu Engagement Ceremony
Saskatoon Wedding Photographer Naidu Photography - Nicole and Jayesh Hindu Engagement Ceremony
Saskatoon Wedding Photographer Naidu Photography - Nicole and Jayesh Hindu Engagement Ceremony
Saskatoon Wedding Photographer Naidu Photography - Nicole and Jayesh Hindu Engagement Ceremony
Saskatoon Wedding Photographer Naidu Photography - Nicole and Jayesh Hindu Engagement Ceremony
Saskatoon Wedding Photographer Naidu Photography - Nicole and Jayesh Hindu Engagement Ceremony
Saskatoon Wedding Photographer Naidu Photography - Nicole and Jayesh Hindu Engagement Ceremony
Saskatoon Wedding Photographer Naidu Photography - Nicole and Jayesh Hindu Engagement Ceremony
Saskatoon Wedding Photographer Naidu Photography - Nicole and Jayesh Hindu Engagement Ceremony
Saskatoon Wedding Photographer Naidu Photography - Nicole and Jayesh Hindu Engagement Ceremony
Saskatoon Wedding Photographer Naidu Photography - Nicole and Jayesh Hindu Engagement Ceremony
Saskatoon Wedding Photographer Naidu Photography - Nicole and Jayesh Hindu Engagement Ceremony
Saskatoon Wedding Photographer Naidu Photography - Nicole and Jayesh Hindu Engagement Ceremony
Saskatoon Wedding Photographer Naidu Photography - Nicole and Jayesh Hindu Engagement Ceremony
Saskatoon Wedding Photographer Naidu Photography - Nicole and Jayesh Hindu Engagement Ceremony
Saskatoon Wedding Photographer Naidu Photography - Nicole and Jayesh Hindu Engagement Ceremony
Saskatoon Wedding Photographer Naidu Photography - Nicole and Jayesh Hindu Engagement Ceremony
Saskatoon Wedding Photographer Naidu Photography - Nicole and Jayesh Hindu Engagement Ceremony
Saskatoon Wedding Photographer Naidu Photography - Nicole and Jayesh Hindu Engagement Ceremony

Nicole and Jayesh Engagement Ceremony from Hemant J. Naidu on Vimeo.

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